How to maintain health

Environment and climate should be appropriate for keeping good health.

Environmental factors such as a dense forest, clean water, fresh air and sun directly affect the human body’s health. Climatic factors such as temperature, humidity, and wind should also be appropriate for human body.

To maintain good health, we should increase the strength of resistance to disease and immune system to inhibit the body from recurrent disease and prevent the invasion by bacterial virus. When the virus or bacteria invades, all functions of the body can’t be normalized. Therefore, we should increase the strength of resistance and immune system for maintaining health.

Following are the methods to maintain health.


(1) Take a moderate Exercise

Moderate exercise includes all the movement that you are doing from morning to evening and all labors that you can do by yourself. In general, it is recommended to take at least 10,000 steps daily, however, we usually walk for about 500~1000 steps in average. It takes about fifty minutes to take 10,000 steps every day.

Foot massager developed by KHT is designed for taking foot exercise without any restriction of time and place. Therefore, you can take a foot exercise with listening to music or watching TV. Foot exercise is very helpful for relieving such conditions as constipation, simple arthritis or lumbago, especially hypertension and cardiac disease.

Foot exercise is also effective for relieving swollen the face which occurs in the early stage of nephritis as well as losing weight on the abdomen. However, excessive workouts do not contribute to good health


(2) Improve Vigor

Those who are full of energy do not easily fall into illness, feel little fatigue and recover from illness rapidly when attacked with disease, whereas those who lack vigor tend to feel tired easily and suffer from constant illness and recover very slowly from illness.

Vigor is related to the body temperature even though it is not easy to define the concept of vigor accurately.

Those who keep a warm temperature in the hands, feet, and abdomen don’t usually suffer from constant slight illness. Therefore, it is important to keep a warm
temperature by taking something hot, taking a sauna or sleeping in a warm place for people with a lowtemperature. In addition, moxibustion is recommended for keeping warm temperature.

KHT moxibustion makes the brain clear and the mind comfortable. As a result, a feeling of fatigue can be rapidly relieved after doing a moxibustion for three to five times daily.
Furthermore, moxibustion helps the unbalanced pulse change into the balanced pulse.

Therefore, chronic and severe cases can be treated if doing a moxibustion for a long period because the evil energy of disease tends to hate the heat stimulation.


(3) Take Wholesome Nutrition

The basic root of good health lies in taking proper foods suitable for one’s constitution because nutrition is essential to maintain a healthy life. Either excessive or deficient
nutrition is all related to the cause of illness. In particular, an unbalanced or excessive intake of food may lead to aggravation of conditions such as obesity, cardiac disease, hypertension, diabetes, disc problems, cancer, allergy, chronic or organic disease.

To take balanced foods, it is more nutritious to take brown rice or cooked rice mixed with miscellaneous grains than white rice and to take meat served with a sufficient amount of vegetables. The choice of food appropriate for one’s constitution is very helpful for preventing all diseases except for the conditions requiring acute surgery or malignant disease.

The Five Jang-Bu organs that are composed of the liver, heart, spleen, lung, and kidney govern the mechanism of human body. Therefore, each organ plays its important role for activating each function normally. If one Jang-Bu organs is deficient, then the relevant Jang-Bu organs become diseased.

The deficient Jaug-Bu organs can recover from disease by providing proper nutrition. For instance, the lung governs the respiratory system, skin and energy. If the function of the liver is deficient, the respiratory system and skin become diseased. Therefore, we should supply enough nutrition to the deficient organs based on the patient’s constitution. The ‘Sooji Food Therapy’ developed by KHT is designed to help the deficient function of Jang-Bu organs and to activate normal function of the Jang-Bu orgnas.

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